So much unnoticed around us!
Whenever we pass by someone on the street, we cross a story, a story we might never know. Every day we cross hundreds of people as they all overlap our stories and move through it as a blur. Just give it a pause and think of how many faces you remember. You might remember some faces where that overlap turned into an event and you got a chance to interact or share an experience. Those are the moments when we knock on each other’s stories and mutually, and sometimes unknowingly, decide how much of our own stories we want to share or create.
Everyone around is vulnerable just like us, they go through those downs in life, maybe someone is going through something right now and we will never know about it. It’s these uniquely similar stories and experiences we share that make us who we are, similar to everyone yet different from each other.
We all are is this protective bubble of our story and some other bubbles exist around which overlap with our story. At times we are in control of the extent of those overlaps, but at times the overlap just seems to be our bubble. We share a different story with everyone we know and there will always be two versions of a story or maybe more. For eg., when you share a moment with one of your friends, there is your version of the story and your friend’s version. You shared the same moment but not similarly and that is the beauty of it.
Overlapping with another story is not about time, it is about the perspective and the intention to connect with it. You feel a connection with a story, maybe it’s the similarity with your story or the power of that story, but whatever the reason is, all these stories shape up who we become as an individual. You must have seen how water bubbles become bigger, the bubbles of our stories are similar to it, the more bubbles we let in the bigger our bubble of experience will be.
We know that like us everyone else has a story, a story which is unheard and unnoticed by us. So let’s respect those stories and individuals creating them, this world is more beautiful when we share stories.